Success Stories
A Case of Gout
What is a GOUT?
This is a case of Gout which was well cured with homeopathic medicines. Before explaining the case lets see what is a GOUT?
Gout is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation, usually in one joint, mostly the great toe, that begins suddenly.Gouty arthritis is caused by the deposition of needle-like crystals of uric acid in a joint.
Gout symptoms includes an intolerable pain, swelling and redness of the joint. Left untreated, gout can cause irreversible joint damage, kidney problems.
Case Overview
Now this is a case of a 48 year old male who presented with a big, red and a painful swelling of the left great toe. He had a strong history of gout for the past 5years where every summer he used to get this gout and had allopathic medicines for a week to lower the level of uric acid in the body. After a week it used to get subsided. But this year by May 2020, even after multiple course of allopathic medicines( which he usually had every year), there was no result. He was continuing suffering with pain and swelling which is where he contacted me through our online mode of consultation. I took up the case, had my thorough detailed case taking, asked him to share the photographs to see the present state of the great toe( Day 1 picture). He complained of pain which was intolerable pain unable to walk properly and the summer recurrence, his physical health and mental health was also studied and analysed after which i couild select his medicine course as follows
- A constitutional drug
- two remedies for his pain and swelling
- A liquid medicine for his uric acid diathesis.
Improvement Status
These medicines were given as a one month course where the constitutional drug treated him as a whole, while the specific remedies worked for his pain and swelling and finally the liquid medicine treated his abnormal and unwanted production of uric acid. Finally at the end of the month his pain, swelling reduced completely to normal and his body had only the normal amount of uric acid( not the extra unwanted amount anymore). Thus he was cured completely.This is how homeopathy works. Choose Homeopathy!