Success Stories
A Case of Opthalmia Neonatorum
Case Overview
A 45 days old infant presented with redness, watering of eyes, severe itching and a greenish discharge every morning along with the eyelids getting agglutinated(sticks together). The baby was advised for a surgery, but the parents didn’t want to go for a surgery approached me for the treatment.
I took up the case, had a detailed case taking with the mother eliciting all the signs and symptoms that the kid presented, and i could clearly diagnose the case as ” OPTHALMIA NEONATORUM” which is nothing but a bacterial/viral conjunctivitis (eye infection) which affects the kid’s eyes within 30days of birth causing the eyes to become swollen and red, intense itching and purulent discharge.
After the detailed case taking, I analysed the case, and the prominent symptoms were the greenish discharge, severe itching which made the kid very restless and poke her eyes often and continuous watering of the eyes( inspite of the itching and watering the eyes wasn’t so red) made me select the most appropriate remedy for the kid.

Improvement Status
When the kid started taking the medicine as instructed, in a week she responded really well, the itching and watering reduced , later gradually the discharge also reduced and finally in a month the baby’s eye became completely normal with absolutely no sign of infection.