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Arresting the Growth of Periungual Warts

Man looking in the mirror at his baldness. Hair loss, alopecia in young age, hair problems. Vector illustration of a person with disease problems.

Success Stories

A Case of Periungual Warts

Periungual warts are warts that cluster around the fingernail or toenail. They appear as thickened, fissured skin around the nail plate. Periungual warts often cause loss of the cuticle and paronychia. Nail biting increases susceptibility to these warts.

Case Overview

Here this is a case of a 56 year old male who presented with Periungual warts on all the nails of his right hand, and slowly developing on the left hand nails too. The warts were very severe causing disfigurement of the nails. He had extreme dryness of the fingers too.

He had tried all sorts of treatment like laser therapy, cauterization. Those treatments gave him temporary relief and after few days it started growing multifold. He said he has to regularly scrap it down if not he cant use his fingers to work on a laptop.

I took his complete case history and thoroughly analysed. I decided to give a constitutional drug to arrest the tendency of his warts to grow and also a specific similimum for his periungual warts.


Improvement Status

After a month the warts drastically improved and he now got his clean and healthy nails. Its a year now, the warts never came back.

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