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Recovery from Psoriasis

Man looking in the mirror at his baldness. Hair loss, alopecia in young age, hair problems. Vector illustration of a person with disease problems.

Success Stories

A Case of Psoriasis

Patient with complaints of white scaly rashes around the fingers, toes, ankles and elbows. Rough scaly in nature. Dry and lifeless Rashes No itching, No pigmentation and No discharge Dry, scaling and Desquamation present. Tried Conventional Medicines which gave a temporary relief but once stopped the complaints started recurring. When the Patient approached HomeHomeo, A complete Case taking was done. All the Physical and Mental health was elicited. A thorough Case Analysis was also done which led to the selection of the PERFECT CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY – Which worked wonders. Results are magical with Constitutional Treatment. Hail Homeopathy!

Proriatic Rashes on right foot & toes


Rashes also in other areas of the feet and around ankles

Rashes also in the fingers

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