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Reversing Hypothyroidism

Man looking in the mirror at his baldness. Hair loss, alopecia in young age, hair problems. Vector illustration of a person with disease problems.

Success Stories

A Case of Chronic Hypothyroidism

Case Overview

A Female patient aged 39 had all symptoms of Hypothyroidism. Weight gain, Dryness of skin, hairfall, difficulty in concentration, mood swings. The important point here is she has been on allopathic medicines for 23 long years. The dosage has been continuously increased to combat her thyroid hormone levels and to control her symptoms.

The Thyronorm dosage started with 25mcg and it went on till 87.5mcg There was absolutely no improvement with her symptoms and it was getting worse instead. The Values of TSH were high till 9/8

Improvement Status

When the patient approached Home Homeo with the above history, her complete physical and mental attributes were taken,analysed and the Constitutional Treatment course was framed to initiate her thyroid gland to produce the needful amount of hormones.

She responded very well to the treatment and when a blood test was taken the values were very normal which was 3.5 (ideal TSH level). Her symptoms were very much better and she is advised to continue the treatment for Few more months for a complete and a holistic cure.

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