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Reversing Goitre, Thyroid Swelling

Man looking in the mirror at his baldness. Hair loss, alopecia in young age, hair problems. Vector illustration of a person with disease problems.

Success Stories

A Case of Goitre

A goiter is an abnormal enlargement of your thyroid gland. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck just below your Adam’s apple. This swelling may cause a tight feeling in your throat, cough and a difficulty in swallowing.

A goiter is more often due to the over- or underproduction of thyroid hormones.

Case Overview

Well here is the case of a 36year old female who presented with a goitre swelling which started developing after her second pregnancy. It was a painless swelling but was very evidently visible, big and her thyroid gland was slightly underactive(hypothyroidism).As usual the patient shared pictures and she opted our online mode of consultation, where in she filled our detailed questionnaires/case forms completely and sent it to us. We thoroughly analysed them and had a second call with the patient for further clarifications. Her physical and mental attributes were also studied.


Improvement Status

Finally a treatment course was decided with a Constitutional medcine to treat her holistically and to regress the swelling and treat the hypothyroidism. After a month the swelling regressed completely and never came back. This is how a constitutional treatment works(giving the patient a complete cure with absolutely no chances of the disease condition to come back).

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